Ben Oliver



Born in France, raised in England. Not really from anywhere.

Loves films, movies, pictures, flicks, talkies etc…

Bit of a closet car bore.

I used to run, where I took a picture every day for several years.


I’m living in Sheffield with my wife. Recently moved into a creaky old place that is cool but also constantly wanting repair.

To make a living I’m a full-stack developer and jack-of-all-nerds for a human tissue bank.

I like to play piano, and currently I’m learning to knit.

This Website

Like many personal sites I started out wanting to write about anything that came to mind, but nothing came to mind. At the same time, I didn’t want to spend ages setting up a site for nerd-points then just having three 5-year-old posts and nothing more.

So I made a rule to obsessively (and perhaps pointlessly) write about every single movie I’ve watched, and sure enough the movie reviews have been a good way to keep the blog ticking over. It’s more of a useful personal reference for what stuff I’ve seen and when, but also it serves as a way to see how my tastes have changed over the past decade or so since it began.

Since then it’s expanded into book reviews, some game reviews, some food and drink articles and quite a few dull reference articles about nerdy linux stuff. The latter posts have proven to be the most popular based on how much email I get.


You don’t have to keep coming back here to see posts. There is an RSS feed you can use!

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Contact Me

Feel free to moan, say hello, ask questions or just send me random stuff.

Last updated: 07 May 2024